While Jeep is famous in the history of American military service there was some misunderstanding about who created the original Jeep. Many incorrectly attribute the development of the early Jeep Willys. True inspiration first design of the jeep came from the small and relatively unknown company name American Bantam car company, based in Butler, PA
American Bantam car company was first established as a subsidiary of British car manufacturer Austin motor company and originally called the American Austin car. Austin made a small and economical car, called the Austin 7, which was very popular in England. Unfortunately for cars company Austin, Austin seven never seen popularity here in the States and the American Austin car company almost went bankrupt. He was eventually taken over by its President, which changed its name to the American Bantam car company (Bantam). Bantam Austin 7 took original designs and made some improvements. It was little more than the British version of his cousin and was capable of more drives.
Bantam males were pioneers and need light military vehicle. They provided some of their cars in an attempt to sell National Guard military on the use of such vehicles. Military, finally realized the need for light vehicles, mobile and finally agreed to discuss the design with Banatm in 1940. The outcome of this meeting was a hybrid of the proposed military 4 X 4 that weigh less than 1300 pounds. In 1941 Bantam reconnaissance car Bantam has developed in response to a request from the United States Army multipurpose military vehicle. The car eventually became the prototype of the jeep, which was later built Willys (Willys MB) and Ford (GPW).
The US military was concerned about the ability to produce Bantam necessary amount of vehicles and as a result, they decided to invite other manufacturers the ability to create vehicle. The requirement is to develop a vehicle and with the approval of the u.s. military, the manufacturer was to create and deliver prototype for 49 days. The military claims has 70 working prototype units were delivered within 75 days. Maximum weight required at the root of many producers to abandon the project with only the Bantam and Willys, Ford, and initially involved, join at a later date.
Bantam drawings were closer to the requirements of the military, although their design had problems with weight restrictions. The company completed the design and the prototype was built and delivered on schedule. Military test vehicle was fully satisfied with the design and performance, and requested the extra 70 vehicles to be built. This occurs when the war began is concerned about the ability to produce enough Bantam. The company is quite small and have limited capacity. What military Willys and Ford was to provide access to testing the prototype Bantam and their actual designs, while Willys failed to submit the prototype and Ford showed little interest in activities up to that point in time. Both Ford and Willys was allowed to present prototypes, Quad (Willys) and Pygmy (Ford), well over the specified duration and significantly above the weight limit. Both Ford and Willys version "borrowed" quite a bit from Bantam design.
Bantam, Bantam vehicle GPV (General purpose vehicle), was delivered on time, met most of the specifications and tests. By all accounts has been contracted, Bantam and there has been a big dispute over handling of the contract. Military, unfortunately Bantam, identified the strengths and weaknesses of each vehicle. Bantam high Off the Earth and underpowered, Quad was over the weight limit, but had a more powerful engine was underpowered, and the Pygmies and suspicious Steering components but are best of three vehicles. Military remains concerned about the possibility of the two companies, Bantam and Willys decided to place an order for 1500 vehicles with each company producing 500, provided that they met the original specifications with the only change is to increase the maximum weight of just over 2200 pounds.
All three companies have the best ideas from each other and from Bantam original design products to further develop their cars, causing 3 machines are very similar. In mid-1941, the military decided that 1500 vehicles should be standard and not three different types. They eventually chose a design by Willys of its lower cost, and this version was adopted as a standard army vehicle. Willys next to 16 000 contract grant the following Willys. The contract called for a number of design changes that lead to the classic design of the standard Jeep.
Bantam continued to issue its production version, known as Bantam BRC 40, but in the United States army did not want it because it was not standard. Already in production and new production units have been transmitted to the Russian and British army. It is interesting to note that after viewing the test tests Russian military actually picked Bantam Willys and Ford units. Ultimately, Willys design recalls 40 BRC.
In the winter of 1941, the army wishes to develop a second source for vehicle because Willys keep pace with production requirements and would like to safeguard against possible sabotage at a production facility. In November the United States Army awarded Ford build 15 000 Jeep Willys design and illustration. Willys MB and Ford GPW differ only in minor details as war requires replacement parts. Ford GPW in model name, a reference to g for Government vehicle, P, pass their base size wheels, and w to indicate that he had a Willys engine. One change is Ford, which was adopted by the military as a standard design, was now all familiar Grill. With Ford, now produces Jeep along with Willys Jeeps military was able to provide its allies and Bantam BRC 40 production was discontinued.
Combined Willys MB and Ford GPW during World War II there were over 500 000. It was built in a total of 40 2.675 Bantam BRCs. The company had never produced cars again. U.s. military contracts Bantam to build trailers as a way to make it up to them not receiving a contract for a jeep.
Thus, who created the original Jeep? Historically, this was a good debate going back to 1943, when the Fair Trade Commission is ultimately responsible for Willys claims advertising false and misleading, saying that created the Jeep Willys. The Court found that jeep had and conceived in Butler, PA., by the American Bantam car company. Principal designer who worked at Bantam Jeep project was Karl Probst, and now you know who actually created the first Jeep!
In his time, pare, Al likes to know more about one of the true American automotive legends, Jeep. When it works, Al is the Marketing Manager for a leading retail online aftermarket Jeep & accessories, Xtreme terrain concepts. They can be found http://www.xtremeterrain.comon.
The great information is about that the jeep is original Jeep? Historically, this was a good debate going back to 1943, when the Fair Trade Commission is ultimately responsibilityUsed Jeeps